Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas!! And to those who don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays! :)
My parents, brother, boyfriend and I exhanged gifts a few hours ago. We have a long day ahead of us and it's just easier to open everything on Christmas eve. Plus we all like to sleep in, so this is definitely a bonus. I've decided I want to share my top three gifts because I'm so stoked and surprised! The boots are from my mom and the pillowcases are from my boyfriend. <3

And my third favourite gift is from my father----drum roll!----The Beatles Rockband!! I'm so excited! I never really got into Rockband because I wasn't big on the song selection, although it was definitely enjoyable to play,---but I ADORE The Beatles and this is just perfect. All of my closest friends and I would sit and play rockband for hours [I'd normally sit out after half an hour. I'd get tired of the songs before they would], but with The Beatles songs--I'm pretty sure I'll stay in the game for days and days and days!

What did you get?

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