Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My New Year Resolution.

In the past, I've never taken this seriously, but I decided this year I would.
I'm starting small in two ways. In the goal and in the amount.
I want to read a book a month. I know I could read more, but I work so much and I don't want reading to become a chore. I LOVE books, but I haven't been reading as much as I would like.

So besides being kind to everyone I meet, I want to read twelve [at the least] books in the new year. Let's see just how many novels [and maybe the odd comic book. And by book I mean hardcover novel type comic. The only comic series I read is based on The Dark Tower, go figure.] that I manage to finish.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

lusting 3.

I don't know what it is about this specific sweater [from] that I love so much.

I feel pretty materialistic with all these posts, but it's a way to get the "I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT" out of my system. Without sounding like a complete twat.

I'm debating on participating in the whole outfit post idea. But, I do need a camera. Anyone have any good suggestions for a really good digital camera?

Speaking of buying new toys, I'm working 50 hours this week! Yay for dinner-overnight-overnight- morning shifts! I'm pretty excited. I also recently got a raise! But, with all that said, I'm thinking of applying for a second job at a book store. I would love to spend my weekends surrounded by books.

And to end this, has anyone seen the trailer for The Lovely Bones? Are any of you slightly disappointed? I am. It doesn't look as good as I was hoping for. My mind is in a million places at once so I apologize if this lacks a good "flow".

Friday, December 25, 2009

Impatiently awaiting.

I'm SO excited for these little gems to arrive in my mailbox,along with a couple Urban Outfitters purchases! The necklace is from, if you haven't checked it out, I HIGHLY recommend you do. The dress is from Asos. I'm SO SO SO excited. These are my christmas gifts to me, from me. Yay!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas!! And to those who don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays! :)
My parents, brother, boyfriend and I exhanged gifts a few hours ago. We have a long day ahead of us and it's just easier to open everything on Christmas eve. Plus we all like to sleep in, so this is definitely a bonus. I've decided I want to share my top three gifts because I'm so stoked and surprised! The boots are from my mom and the pillowcases are from my boyfriend. <3

And my third favourite gift is from my father----drum roll!----The Beatles Rockband!! I'm so excited! I never really got into Rockband because I wasn't big on the song selection, although it was definitely enjoyable to play,---but I ADORE The Beatles and this is just perfect. All of my closest friends and I would sit and play rockband for hours [I'd normally sit out after half an hour. I'd get tired of the songs before they would], but with The Beatles songs--I'm pretty sure I'll stay in the game for days and days and days!

What did you get?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

lusting 2

I love the shape of this dress. And it's one sale!
But I'm still too broke. Too many bills to pay, too many presents bought for this years christmas.

Oh well, I'm stoked to see the look on my boyfriends, brother and moms face when they open their gifts! I went all out for them this year. My father is a different story. Everything he wants, he goes out and buys. I racked my brain and finally gave in and just bought a gift certificate for his favourite store. I'm still keeping my eyes open though. Maybe I'll stumble upon something in the next couple of days that will wow him.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Dark Tower.

I found out a few weeks ago that Stephen King has an idea for an eighth novel in this incredible series. I'm a HUGE fan. The Dark Tower series has been my favourite book for years and I'm currently preparing myself for this wonderful possiblity by re-reading the others. AND they might be making a movie based on the books. And to make all of this EVEN BETTER, J.J Abrams [he directed Star Trek] is possibly going to be the director!

I'm just a huge ball of bundled joy at the moment.
Is anyone else a fan?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


There are days where I actually consider working 24 hours, 7 days a week. Which is entirely possible considering I work at a twenty-four hour restaurant. At least that way, I could afford this gorgeous cardigan from Anthropologie. Amoung the many other items I tend to lust after.

What are you lusting for?